Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Mark of the Beast Same As The Image Name Or Number?

All too often, we get too comfortable with the basics and topical aspects of Scripture that it is difficult for many to renew their mindset to the More Excellent Way of thinking. Paul admonishes us to move on from the rudimentary teachings of the Christ. He also admonishes us to put on the Mind of Christ; to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. 

The renewed mindset can receive the knowledge it takes to see the true nature of the Beast. These can see that the unregenerate and unrenewed mind in man walk in the lower selfish carnal nature. Those who reside here flow in their own ego, self will, mind and emotions and are of a disobedient, disjointed soul which is antichrist.

The mark is not the same as the name or the number. I am not discounting modern day end-time revelation received by others. I can only speak on the prophetic, metaphorical and theoretical aspects of Truth in direct correlation to the revelations of which have been revealed to me, for my Metron and Mission of Restoration. 

Neither do I totally reject the literal aspects of interpretations, if it lines up with Scripture, scientific research and history. I am just saying that I receive the spiritual esoteric aspects of revelation and interpretations. That is a higher way.   The Higher Way is having the Testimony of a Christ, which is the Spirit of Prophecy!

I am cognizant of the fact that even I am merely scratching the surface! However, I can tell you this: those who predict the end of the World surly do not have True Revelation. Neither do they who perpetuate a doctrine of devils, demons and a satan or a rapture! Nor do they who reject Divine Law who teach others to do so. These are strong indications that one is dwelling in the babble of tradition and the gu gu ga ga of baby talk without understanding, they are antichrist.

All the evidence is laid out in the Scriptures and other books of antiquity, this includes philosophy, science, metaphysics and ancient history.  These disciplines are being uncovered before our eyes. All one need do is open the eyes of the mind and receive.

The Enlightened Ones or the Prophets have been chosen to guide, direct, and point the people toward renewal and recovery of mind from religion to spirituality.  Do not get it twisted to think that Christianity is the only way and that there are no master spiritual guides who are not a part of Christianity and have never been.

We must see in our minds eye, that a beast or a beastly mind is one who has a blasphemous disobedient mind-set and the image of a beastly nature of opposition toward Truth; Divine Authority; Divine Order; Divine  Delegated Authority; and Divine Protocol—a mindset contrary to the Christ Principles.   

The Beast is a disjointed spirit walking apart from the Creator and Spirit of Truth, teaching disobedience to the Law!  For the Divine Creator is Law!
Everything is relative!

Every time we partition Divine Spirit or praise, we invoke a Law. Do we, then partition or Praise expecting results? Of course we do! Law has an effect in every aspect of our lives and can result in good or positive results or bad or negative results. In fact, Divine Law is Cause and Effect! Cause and Effect is: “Whatsoever a man sows that shall He reap”!  

If one mixes blue and red, they have invoked a law.  The law is still the same no matter who mixes the colors.  The results will be the same no matter who mixes.  That is Law!